Zawiszy Square in Warsaw

This summer semester, a group of students from the Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology, Architecture for the Society of Knowledge MArch Course continued the work on Zawiszy Square. The project is being done in collaboration with the Warsaw Municipal Planning Office. It covered the area of the local plan of urban development enlarged to cover the direct surroundings of Zawiszy Square. The future multimodal transportation node presents multiple challenges, which we were looking to solve.

Below, you might find the links to the students presentations. All the project materials are included in the projects’ websites. They contain the final panels and the materials showcasing the project process and evidence justifying the decisions. I also share the final presentations below.

During our course we were greatly supported by our Colleagues. For the Midterm Review of the project, we were happy to welcome renowned designers representing three international firms: Jason Hilgefort from Land+Civilization Composition Hong Kong, Andries Geerse and Larissa Guschl from WeLovetheCity Rotterdam and Lia Maria Bezerra from Broadway Malyan, Warsaw division. We are also honoured to listen to the feedback of Wanda Stolarska, Vice Director BAIPP, and Ewa Tołwińska, Head of the Department of Development Warsaw. This was a great lesson which we all enjoyed.

Group 1: Jakub Oszczyk, Maria Paczóska, Macha Krobski, Ezgi Sopaoglu
Project blog:

Final presentation:

Group 2: Aleksandra Warowna, Julia Bujak, Samriddhi Pandey, Titouan Neuville
Project blog:

Final presentation:

Group 3: Kacper Kozak, Agata Starzec, Mohamad Zino, Sule Nur Eraslan
Project blog:

Final presentation:

Group 4: Marcin Olszowski, Amelie Mugeni Bamporeze | Apolline O’Mahony, Elie Francois and Kasiem Ijezie Efe
Project blog:

Final presentation:

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